November 2023 Set Free Pantry Needs:

Our delivery in November will be on Saturday the 18th so we can provide for their Thanksgiving dinner.

We have been asked to provide 12 turkey breasts (not whole turkeys)
Sign up: Here

(We will also have a sign up on the inside of the Pantry door)
Please be sure to sign up if you are able to provide one.

We are also looking for traditional sides:

  • Boxed Stuffing

  • Cranberry Sauce

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Canned sweet potatoes, etc.

Other items we need for the month are:

  • Laundry soap

  • Dish soap

  • Soup

  • Jelly

  • toilet paper

Every month we need Coffee, Laundry soap and personal care items.
— As always, reach out if you have any questions. Thank you!

If interested in visiting during a delivery contact: Jean Heiss by email ( or by phone (call or text: 585-586-4116).



Pastor Appreciation Month