Communion By Intinction

Change to Communion

Prior to 2020 and the onset of Covid, Edgewood participated in the sacrament of The Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) through Intinction. This is essentially dipping the bread/cracker into the juice and will be explained in more detail below. As Pastor Doug prepared his sermon for this Sunday, he felt that a return to this method of participation would be very meaningful for the congregation in response to the Word of God. Therefore, this Sunday we will all go forward to receive communion.

How to Receive
Intinction Communion

  • Pastor Doug will lead us through the communion ritual of prayers that we always use.

  • After the ritual, he will call helpers forward who will help him serve the crackers and juice. They will receive Communion from him at that time.

  • Congregants will line up according to Pastor Doug's instructions to come forward.

  • As each person approaches the server who is holding the plate and cup, they will pick up a cracker from the plate and dip it into the cup, being sure not to put any fingers in the juice.

  • The server will say something like "The body of Christ broken for you," as you take the cracker and then "The blood of Christ shed for you," as you dip the cracker into the juice.

  • After receiving the cracker and juice, each person may approach the altar to kneel in prayer or return to their seat.

  • For those who prefer not to partake through Intinction, the pre-packaged cups will be available on the Communion Table. You may take your cup to the altar or back to your seat.


Allergy Note:

All crackers on the plates held by servers will be gluten-free Matzo. Pre-packaged communion will have lids with gluten-free printed on them. Those that have no writing are not gluten-free.


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