An Open Door In Africa

Dear Edgewood Family,

On Sunday, I shared an opportunity that has been presented to us as a church to respond to an open door in Africa.

A couple in the church brought attention to a missionary named Phyllis Sorter, who has faithfully built eight schools for the Fulani, a group of people who are among the poorest in Nigeria, under the name “Schools for Africa."

The Fulani people occupy the central part of the country, where people are mostly illiterate and are dominated by a militant form of Islam. With the approval of the government, Phyllis has been given the authority to build schools for the Fulani, and is allowed to staff them with Christian teachers who can provide not only education but also a powerful channel for the good news of Jesus!

Based on this open door in Africa, a couple have offered to build a new school for $15,000, and the board is now asking us as a church family to contribute an additional $13,000 to fund a bus for student travel, the initial cost of housing for the teachers, and the costs of the first year of operations. Over the next month or so, if you want to contribute, simply mark your offering in the memo line as “Schools For Africa," or "SFA.” As a part of this project, we are looking forward to the privilege of hosting Phyllis as she comes to speak at Edgewood on June 18.

May we all do whatever the Lord asks to serve through this open door in Nigeria, Africa!

Serving with you, — Pastor Doug


Trip to the Holy Land