Room Reservation Request
Reserve a Room at Edgewood
Now that we are in a new building with lots of space, we are fielding numerous requests for use of space. In order to manage requests, we have the following procedures in place:
Step One: Use the form below or email the church office to notify our admin of your interest in reserving a space. Be sure to include the date and time of your event in the initial email.
At this stage, your request is not confirmed, but our admin will send you a building usage request form.
Step Two: After receiving the building usage request form via email, complete it and return it to the office admin. The form will then be reviewed by our Facilities Committee.
Step Three: The office admin will inform you if your request has been approved by the Facilities Committee and will guide you through the next steps to prepare for your event.
Priority is given to Edgewood Church ministries, followed by related ministries, and finally, outside requests.