Serve Team Opportunities
“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
— 1 Corinthians 12:27 NIV
Dear Edgewood Family,
Our mission and vision is to help people BEGIN the journey with Jesus, GROW in relationship with Him, and SERVE the world. We desire to guide each person at Edgewood in being part of this. For BEGIN, we hope for each person to find a place of worship (one of our morning services). For GROW, we hope to help each person who desires it to find an EdgeGroup (small group) where they can connect with others and share their journey. For SERVE, we desire each person to have a place of ministry in which they can find purpose and use their God-given gifts. We hope the information found here will guide you in that. If you are unsure of your spiritual gifting, feel free to reach out to me by email. In the meantime, please read on for the many ways you can serve at Edgewood and feel free to reach out to me with any questions at the link above.
May God bless you as you seek to honor him with the gifts he has given you!
In Him,
— Pastor Daria
Associate Pastor
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms."
— 1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Areas to Serve
First Impressions (Welcome Team)
Director: Pastor Daria Roesch
Part of our vision is to be a welcoming place for all people and we do that with greeters at the front door and in the lobby, along with ushers in the Worship Center. This volunteer opportunity would be once per month at the most. If you love to smile and say hello to people, then this may be the spot for you!
Children’s Ministries (EdgeKidz)
Director: Lisa Murphy
Volunteers are needed for our weekly ministries to children on Sunday mornings. Nursery (Infants through age 2). Preschool (Ages 3 - 5), & EdgeKidz (Kindergarten through 5th Grade)
•Volunteers undergo a background check and training with Mrs. Lisa Murphy, CM Director.
Teen Ministries (EdgeTeens)
Director: Loren Noble
Our teen ministries have lots of great things going on, with young people getting baptized, going deeper with Jesus, and having lots of fun too!
If you'd like to be part of the spiritual journey of a tween or teen, this may be the place for you! Volunteers can help with SNYG (Sunday Night Youth Group) on Sunday nights, 6:00-8:00 or by leading Teen Talks (on a rotating schedule) on Sunday mornings during the 10:00 service.
Caring Ministries & Hospitality
Director: Jessie Keim & Amy Kittleson
As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work." We can always use more help in our Hospitality Ministries.
Memorial receptions are a huge blessing to grieving families. Fellowship events are something we would like to offer more frequently. These are wonderful opportunities for our church family to gather just to get to know each other.
In addition, we have a Caring Ministries teams that provides meals to those experiencing times of need, such as following surgery or the birth of a child. (Caring Ministries Director is Amy Kittleson.)
We hope you'll consider signing up to be part of our hospitality team, whether it's for memorial receptions, special events, or Sunday morning coffee prep in Higher Grounds
Healthy Harvest Ministries
Director: Morgan Rhodes
For those who desire to develop a meaningful mentoring relationship with a tween or teen, there are opportunities for tutoring at our ministry center in the city of Rochester. Our vision is to guide kids toward learning in school as well as learning about themselves and Jesus. Drivers are also needed to pick up the kids at their school and bring them to the center.
Worship Teams
Director: Jessie Keim
If working with computers and AV equipment sounds like your thing, then you might enjoy being part of our tech team during the 10:00 worship service! Training is provided and volunteers serve on a rotating schedule. On the other hand, perhaps you have musical gifts—singing or playing an instrument. Musicians are needed for both the 8:30 and 10:00 services.
Director: Pastor Louis Colon & Nancy McGovern
EdgeGroups is our small groups/community groups ministry. Our goal is to have as many small groups as we have people who desire them. If you would like to lead or facilitate a group or host one in your home, please let us know! Support is provided, including access to curriculum. There is also a weekly email available with follow-up to each sermon that can be used for group discussion.
Safety Team
Director: Pastor Doug Langford
This group of people is committed to making sure that we are safe and secure on Sunday mornings. Training and direction will be provided and volunteers will serve on a rotating schedule.